Flex Rates by SpotHero
A flexible solution because one price does not fit all
Flex Rates by SpotHero is a flexible pricing solution for our parking partners that generates incremental revenue by transforming traditional, static rate bands into full rate coverage with a pricing option for every type of parker.

Control Your Rates with Personalized Inputs
You know your facility best. With Flex Rates, you can easily manage your prices to account for your facilities’ unique needs by setting customized rate bands for any day of the week.

Maximize Revenue With Flexible Rates
While traditional online rates are restricted to hourly increments, Flex Rates transforms your rate inputs into over 4,000 rates per week to cover demand for any duration and entry time. By providing parkers with flexible rate options, Flex Rates helps you capture more demand to maximize the yield of your inventory.

Avoid Unexpected Pricing Scenarios with Rate Transparency
You shouldn’t have to worry about losing customers and revenue due to unexpected pricing problems. Flex Rates uses simple rate inputs to reliably produce full rate coverage so you can always know the exact rate for every duration and entry time.

How Flex Rates Works